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(From left to right) Our Forest Rangers  & Field CoordinatorTsiory 

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(Right) Ecotour from WildlyAdventures planting mangrove seedlings with us!


Victoria Gehrke (left) is a primatologist based in Sweden and helps Mikajy Natiora as with grant management, research, and partnership liaison. 


Our volunteers range from local communities to students to teachers and goverment staff all the way from Antananarivo, and even internationally,  helping spead (and sometimes dance!)  the mission of Mikajy Natiora to help communities and wildlife thrive! 

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A word from Mikay Natiora President DR. SYLVIANE VOLAMPENO

Biodiversity is suffering, and planet Earth is dying. Humanity, which is part of this biodiversity, is the main actor in this destruction. Despite being rapidly destroyed, biodiversity continues to provide essential ecosystem services. Not only must humans coexist
with nature, but we also urgently need to protect it.
The mission of Mikajy Natiora Association is to preserve biodiversity both on land and in the sea. Research, education, and dialogue are the tools Mikajy Natiora uses to achieve this mission. To fulfill its goals, Mikajy Natiora works with local communities surrounding
natural habitats and collaborates with various organizations both nationally and internationally.
Mikajy Natiora chose 'Za tompon'ny amaray' as its slogan. It is a Sakalava phrase from a tribe to strongly represented in the north-western part of Madagascar meaning ''the future belongs to me''. 
Thank you for exploring our website. By visiting this site, you are already contributing to the conservation and protection of Madagascar’s biodiversity.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or contributions for the
protection of biodiversity.
Let us commit to nature and biodiversity. The world needs us.
- Dr Sylviane Volampeno

©2020 by Mikajy Natiora. Website Creator: Victoria Gehrke

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